HTML - web
HTML Documentation
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General info
HTML is the language that is responsible for building the backbone of the website, it is both easy to learn and has high importance in the web development field.
HTML: it stands for Hypertext Mark-up Language
URL: it stands for Uniform Resource Locator
HTML tags: HTML code consists of tags, an opening, and an ending tag. Opening tag starts with <
and includes the name of the tag, and ends with >
. The closing tag is the same but we add /
after the <
. So, elements include the starting tag < >
, end tag </ >
, and the contents in between.
Tags' attributes: they are some information we can provide for the tag. They are placed inside the opening tag of any element and each one consists of the name of the attribute and its value with a =
sign in between, like: class="my dev"
Block Elements: it makes a block around the text, it is something like lists, tables, headlines, and video players.
Inline Elements: it doesn’t make a block but it just flows with the text, like line breaks, emphasis, anchors, and images.
Comments: they are written between <!--
and -->
either on a single line or multiple lines.
Standard HTML code
Every HTML code should be designed in this format:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title> Document </title>
Heder of the page
Linkes for the nav-bar
The main components
A footer for the page
HTML Elements (Tags)
Container elements can be used to organize other elements inside. Most of them are exactly the same, but with some default styles. We have various types of them only to indicate the usage of each one. We can also cascade them freely to have organized sections.
<section> Section 1 </section>
<section> Section 2 </section>
<section> Section 3 </section>
Division: <div> </div>
Section: <section> </ section >
Paragraph: <p> </p>
Article: <article> </article>
Span: <span> </span>
used to target single a word inside one of the containers
Important tags and entities
Displays a horizontal divider
Breaks to the next line
Word Brake, breaks line if the width of the container limits the line where we have this tag
Brake to the next line
<bdi> </bdi>
Bidirectional, it reverts the orientation of the word when we use other languages
<blockquote> </blockquote>
Quote a text with margins
<pre> </pre>
Pre-formated text that preserves all spaces and breaks inside it (unlike div, p, ..etc)
an entity to display the sign <
without considering it as a part of a tag
an entity to display the sign >
Text effects
Deleted (crossed) text: <del> text </del>
Emphasized text: <em> text </em>
Italic text: <i> text </i>
Inserted (underlined) text: <ins> text </ins>
Highlighted text: <mark> text </mark>
Bold text: <strong> text </strong>
Provides 6 levels of headers.
H1 <h1> Title </h1>
H2 <h2> Title </h2>
H3 <h3> Title </h3>
H4 <h4> Title </h4>
H5 <h5> Title </h5>
H6 <h6> Title </h6>
Visual and Interactive Tags
Creates a button that can be linked with a JS function later to perform a specific job.
<button> Click me </button>
Creates a code block to preserve codes from any language.
<code> print("hello world") </code>
Inserts (imports) an HTML page as a block. We can specify the source of that page by either a local HTML file or by an online website URL (be aware that most of the websites prevent you from importing their page)
Import a local HTML file
<iframe src="project1/html_files/page1.html"> </iframe>
Import a n online URL
<iframe src=""> </iframe>
Displays an image. The src
attribute provides the source of the image and the alt
attribute provides what should have replaced the image if it didn't load.
Image from another website (by a URL)
<img src=”” alt="name">
Image from local disk (by a directory of the image)
<img src=”myProject/name1.png” alt="name">
It creates a hyperlink to another web page. Whatever between tags will be displayed as the text of the hyperlink. The href
provides the URL or the relative path to the desired page.
<a href="pages/page.html"> Go to </a>
It displays an audio file on the page. We need to specify multiple sources for the audio file so different browsers can deal with it correctly. The attribute src
contains the source, and type
contains the type of the file.
We can also add some fixed features to the tag like:
activates the audio tools (play, stop, ..etc)
activates the autoplay once it uploaded
activates the looping (start again) once the audio is finished
default mute the audio
<audio controls autoplay loop muted>
<source src="media/file.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
<source src="media/file.wav" type="audio/wav">
Message that will be shown if the browser doesn't support any of the above
It displays a video file on the page. We need to specify multiple sources for the video file so different browsers can deal with it correctly. The attribute src
contains the source, and type
contains the type of the file.
We can also add some fixed features to the tag like:
activates the video tools (play, stop, ..etc)
activates the autoplay once it uploaded
activates the looping (start again) once the video is finished
default mute the video
specify the width
specify the height
specify the initial picture
We can use the track
tag to upload a subtitle for the video with a vtt file
<video controls autoplay loop muted width=200 height=200 poster="image.png">
<source src="media/file.mp4" type="audio/mpeg">
<source src="media/file.ogg" type="audio/ogg">
Message that will be shown if the browser doesn't support any of the above
<track src="file_en.vtt" kind="subtitle" srclang="en" label="English">
<track src="file_it.vtt" kind="subtitle" srclang="it" label="Italian">
Lists and Table
We can define 2 kinds of lists, ordered and unordered.
Ordered list
Creates a numbered list.
<li> item1 </li>
<li> item2 </li>
<li> item3 </li>
Unordered list
Creates a bulleted list.
<li> item1 </li>
<li> item2 </li>
<li> item3 </li>
Creates a table that contains 4 elements. A caption element that contains the title of the table, then the table itself which consists of header (thead), body (tbody), and footer (tfoot). Each section of those consists of one or more row (tr), each table row contains cells. The first row consists of table headers (th) but any other row below it consists of table data (td).
<caption> Title of the table </caption>
<th> header1 </th>
<th> header2 </th>
<th> header3 </th>
<td> data1 </td>
<td> data2 </td>
<td> data3 </td>
<td> data1 </td>
<td> data2 </td>
<td> data3 </td>
<td> data1 </td>
<td> data2 </td>
<td> data3 </td>
Form and its supportive tags
We can create a form with a legend (title), entries, labels, and a lot more. We can get the data easily from it by a JS function later.
Form tag
The standard format of the Form-tag:
<!-- here we have our other supported tags -->
<input type="submit">
Useful attributes for form
specify the file at the backend that will receive the data from the form when submission
specify the sending method (GET/POST)
prevent the form from rejecting any data entered on its inputs
upon submitting the form, open it in a new tab to keep our inserted data on the old one
Legend, Input, and Label tags
Legend: holds the title of the form
Input: a user-input tag (it has a lot of types, the default is an entry field)
Label: A text label placed besides the input to indicate its usage
<form action="file.php" method="GET">
<legend> Title of the form </legend>
<label for="name"> Full Name </label>
<input id="name" type="text" required placeholder="Write your name here" autofocus>
<label> Email </label>
<input type="email" required value="" name="my email">
<label> Password </label>
<input type="password" required minlength="5" maxlength="15">
<label> Roll </label>
<input type="text" readonly value="developer">
<input type="submit">
Useful attributes for label
link the label with the input tag that has id="test"
by using for="test"
Useful attributes for input
mark the field as required and can't submit without filling it
write a shaded text to help the user know what to do (for text)
specify a default value for the input
mark the input with a string to name the query at the web request/response
prevent the user from editing this input
disable the input and prevent the form from reaching its data
focus the cursor on this input
specify the minimum allowed length of characters to be typed (for text)
specify the maximum allowed length of characters to be typed (for text)
check the button or the box by default (for radio and checkbox)
Changing the type of the input ("type" attribute)
specify the type of the input (entry field, button, ..etc)
Entries (input tag):
a field for any text
a field for an email
a field for a password (displayed as stars *)
a search field
a URL field that only accepts URLs
<input type="password" required minlength="5" maxlength="15">
<input type="search">
<input type="url">
Buttons (input tag):
a button that sends the data
a button that clears all fields
a radio button that allows you to select one of the options
<input type="submit" value="Register the form">
<input type="reset">
<input id="win" type="radio" value="Windows" name="os" checked>
<label for="win"> Windows </label>
<input id="lin" type="radio" value="Linux" name="os">
<label for="lin"> Linux </label>
<input id="mac" type="radio" value="Mac" name="os">
<label for="mac"> Mac </label>
<input type="reset">
Color selection (input tag):
a selection that allows you to select a color from the palette
<input type="color">
Numeric selections (input tag):
a slider that allows you to select a value from a range
a combo box that allows you to select a number
<input type="range" min="0" max="100" step="10" value=20>
<input type="number" min="1" max="10" step="1" value=7>
Browse file button (input tag):
a browse button that allows you to get a file name from your local drive
<input type="file">
Date and Time (input tag):
a selection box that allows you to choose a specific day in this format (mm/dd/yyyy)
choose a specific month in this format (month year)
choose a specific time in this format (hh:mm period)
<input type="date">
<input type="month">
<input type="time">
List selection (input tag):
A spinbox that allows you to select one of many options. You can also type in the field to search for one of the selections.
<input list="myLangs" name=""prog>
<datalist id="myLangs">
<option value="Pytho">
<option value="Jave">
<option value="C++">
<option value="PHP">
</datalist >
Checkbox (input tag):
a checkable checkbox
<input id="win0" type="checkbox" value="Windows" name="os" checked>
<label for="win0"> Windows </label>
<input id="lin0" type="checkbox" value="Linux" name="os" checked>
<label for="lin0"> Linux </label>
<input id="mac0" type="checkbox" value="Mac" name="os">
<label for="mac0"> Mac </label>
Select tag (spinbox)
Creates a single spinbox where the user can select one of the provided options. The attribute value
holds the string that will be sent when the form is submitted. We can display the same options as a single group inside the spinbox, or we can distribute them over many groups. The only difference between this and the "input list" is that you can't search on this one.
Useful attributes for select
and option
(for select) allows the user to select more than one option by holding the (Ctrl) key
(for option) set this option as the default for the spinbox
One group
<select name="books" id="myBooks" multiple>
<option value="book1"> Administration </option>
<option value="book2"> Marketing </option>
<option value="book3" selected> Finance </option>
<option value="book4"> Python </option>
<option value="book5"> Java </option>
<option value="book6"> C++ </option>
Multiple groups
<select name="books" id="myBooks" multiple>
<optgroup label="Work books">
<option value="book1"> Administration </option>
<option value="book2"> Marketing </option>
<option value="book3"> Finance </option>
<optgroup label="programming books">
<option value="book4"> Python </option>
<option value="book5"> Java </option>
<option value="book6"> C++ </option>
Textarea tag
Creates a text area for the user to fill. It acts exactly like the input text field and has all its attributes, but this one can be resized and manipulated easily
Useful attributes for textarea
specifies the width of the area
specifies the height of the area
<textarea name="area" cols="20" rows="50">
Coding tricks
We can use these tricks to type redundant elements faster in the editor.
creates 5 div elements at once
creates 5 div elements each one has a section element inside it
creates a div element with 5 section elements inside it
creates a div element with a CSS class defined on it called (container1)
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